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- Webspread -- Description and Tutorial
- For version 1.6, which is freely
- distributable. All contents and the
- program are copyrighted by the author.
- (C) 1987, 88, 89, 90
- By Brad Webb
- 321 North Monroe Street
- Watertown, WI 53094
- Sections
- ========
- Introduction
- The program
- What is a Spreadsheet?
- Webspread
- Webspread Commands
- Error Messages
- Using Formulas
- Standard Formulas
- Special Formulas
- Some Limitations
- Tutorial
- Making a Spreadsheet
- Starting, and Entering Text
- Entering Formulas and Numbers
- Future Plans
- Final Word
- Documentation Revision History
- ============
- The ELPLan Spreadsheet appeared in the August, 1987 issue of
- Jumpdisk (C). At that time, I asked users to contact me about their
- experiences with the program. I would like to thank all those who
- responded. Webspread, a general update of ELPLan, is dedicated to you.
- (Webspread itself was also published in Jumpdisk in 1988.)
- It seems ELPLan was being used for everything from home budgets to small
- businesses. (We even had one business user call up with questions while
- preparing taxes -- on April 15, no less.) Even with varied use, common
- requests came up. In general, people wanted more speed. I also realized
- that the error checking needed beefing up in one or two areas. These
- features have been included in the versions of Webspread that have
- appeared since.
- Version 1.6 is the first that opens its own high resolution screen.
- The color scheme has been chosen to minimize interlace flicker on
- standard Amiga monitors. Other new features include the ability to enter
- data into a cell and move to another cell with a single press of a cursor
- key. Formerly you had to press the RETURN key to register your data, then
- move on to another cell. Error checking has been further enhanced as well.
- Webspread is a simple spreadsheet, but I have found it capable of
- meeting my home needs. If you have never worked with a spreadsheet
- before, I think you will find the tutorial included in this document of
- value to you. You may wish to provide a copy to anyone you know who is
- just starting to use a computer and who may be unfamiliar with
- spreadsheets.
- If you find the discussion of commands and spreadsheet theory in the
- next portions of this document confusing, don't despair. I have included
- a complete tutorial that should make everything much clearer once you
- have worked through it.
- This version of Webspread may be freely distributed. If you provide
- anyone with a copy, you must also include this document and neither this
- document or the program may be altered in any way. You may, however, add
- additional documents to the distribution if you wish. The author retains
- all rights to the program and this documentation file. Neither may be
- sold though a small disk copying fee may be charged.
- I would be happy to receive bug reports and upgrade requests at the
- above address. I will not be responsible for any damages or liabilities
- resulting from the use of this program -- use it at your own risk. It is
- necessary for legal reasons to state that, but you should also know that
- this is the only spreadsheet I use so I have confidence in it.
- A spreadsheet program is a computer version of the large green ledger
- sheets used by accountants from time immemorial. These sheets have ruled
- lines dividing them into rows and columns. The rows and columns can each be
- given titles, and information relating to those titles can be entered on the
- sheets where the rows and columns intersect. This allows the user to set
- up a neat display of information. For instance, your column titles could
- be the names of the months. Your row titles could consist of a list of your
- monthly bills. If you then wrote the amount paid for food in January
- where the food row and January column meet, and did the same for all your
- other expenses, you would have a method of tracking your household expenses.
- By totalling all the entries in the January column, you would know your
- expenses for that month. By totalling the food row, you would have the
- total you spent on food for the year. For easier reference, each row/column
- junction is called a "cell" and we talk about entering your information into
- the cells of the spreadsheet.
- The advantages of computerizing a spreadsheet are many. The computer can
- do the totalling for you. You just enter the information and instructions
- (a formula) for totalling it. You can even use the spreadsheet to look at
- different spending policies. By including columns for future months and
- entering different figures, you can have the computer tell you how your
- future expenses and savings might be affected by doing things in several
- ways. Businesses use spreadsheets extensively for these "what-if"
- projections. In fact,the extreme value of these exercises was the chief
- reason for the widespread adoption of personal computers in business.
- The homeowner can use a spreadsheet for "what-if" projections ("if we
- spend 10% less per month on entertainment, can we afford the new Amiga?").
- You can use it to plan and track a budget, keep track of your computer club
- dues, paper route collections or any financial matter. You can even do
- non-financial data management with one. I used one for years to track
- assignments in a drafting department. We know of a family that uses one
- to inventory groceries and make up shopping lists.
- You can set up a blank spreadsheet with column and row headings, and the
- formulas needed to perform whatever calculations you wish to make. You can
- then copy this blank sheet over into a new file whenever you need it,
- enter the appropriate data for you new file, and use the Recalc command. In
- this way you could build up a set of budget files for every month of the
- year, for instance. Spreadsheets are very versatile programs, once you
- start letting your imagination loose.
- Figure 1: a portion of a simple Webspread spreadsheet.
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- '/'Commands:Copy,Delete,Files,Goto,Insert,Memory,New,Quit,Recalc,Same,Width,$
- @SUMB2.B5
- A| B| C| D| E| F| G|
- 1 Widget Production
- 2 Type: Quantity:
- 3 small 10
- 4 medium 20
- 5 large 30
- 6 ==========
- 7 [ 60]
- o The top line on the screen is displaying the main, or "slash",
- commands.
- o The cursor (represented by a pair of brackets) is in the cell at
- position B7. That position contains the summation formula shown on
- the second line of the screen. The current value of the formula is
- 60, as shown in the cell itself (60 being the sum of the values in the
- cells B2 through B5). By changing the value in any of the cells B2
- through B5 and then executing the "/Recalc" command combination, the
- cell at B7 would be re-evaluated and would display the results of the
- new calculation.
- The Webspread display consists of 44 rows for data, and as many columns
- as will fit on the screen using the width you select. The default screen
- has seven columns. Down the left of the screen are the row numbers. The
- top of the screen shows letters which name each column. The first position
- of each column is indicated by a (|) character. Above the column letters
- are two lines for displaying commands and entering information. We will
- refer to these lines as the upper and lower communication lines in the rest
- of these instructions. Most of the time, the upper communication line will
- display the commands you can use, and the lower line will be used for
- prompts from the program or data you are entering.
- Below these we find the spreadsheet cells themselves. Webspread
- provides you with 40 columns and 50 rows, for a total of 2000 cells. Each
- cell may contain text, a numeric value, or a formula. If you are just
- moving the cursor around the screen, the lower communication line will show
- the value or text entered into the cell where the cursor is. If there is a
- formula in the cell rather than text or a value, the formula will be
- displayed on the lower communication line while the cell itself will
- display the current value of the formula's calculations. This will always
- be a zero until the first Recalc command is used. Look at Figure 1 above
- to see a sample spreadsheet display.
- Webspread contains all of the basic spreadsheet functions. If you are
- already familiar with spreadsheets, you will feel at home with Webspread.
- Because a spreadsheet requires the use of the keyboard so extensively, it
- was written with minimal mouse controls so that you can keep your hands on
- the keys. The only time the mouse is used is to confirm that you want to
- do something drastic or if there is need for you to pause a moment.
- Examples: erase the sheet, end the program run, change calculation mode,
- or if Webspread needs to show you an error message. In these cases, you will
- be presented with a requester window.
- You move around the spreadsheet by pressing the cursor controls. A
- colored cursor will highlight the cell that is currently active. Each cell
- is identified by the column letter and row number that define its position.
- For example, the cell in the upper left hand corner of the sheet is cell
- A1.
- The commands which let you control most of Webspread's functions are
- accessed by pressing the "/" key. Once you do that, you will be asked to
- enter the first letter of the command you wish to execute, or the $ sign
- (to change the recalculation mode). The commands, and what they do are
- listed here:
- / Enables you to use the Main Commands. Press this key first, then
- wait for the prompt "Press C,D,F,G,I,M,N,Q,R,W or $: ". At
- that point, press a key to select one of the following
- commands.
- Copy - This is Webspread's cell copy command. When selected, a
- sub-menu will appear on the top communication line to let you
- select from among the following copy commands.
- (Copy)
- Across - this command will let you copy the current cell (marked
- by the cursor) to the right, as many times as you wish. You
- Will be prompted for the number of copies to make. If the
- cell contains a formula, it will be copied along with the
- most recently calculated value for the answer, even if the
- answer is no longer correct in the formula's new location.
- Using the Recalc command (see below) will properly
- re-evaluate the entire sheet.
- (Copy)
- Down - functions exactly as does the Across command, except
- copies down from the current cell.
- (Copy)
- Main-menu - returns you to the main (slash) command level.
- Use this when done with all your copy commands.
- (Copy)
- To - Lets you copy the contents of any one cell to any other.
- The cursor does not have to be in the cell to be copied.
- You will be prompted for the co-ordinates of the cell you
- want copied. You will then be asked where you want the
- copy put. Note that formulas will behave as explained under
- Across.
- Delete - Removes a row or a column of information from the
- spreadsheet. You will be asked first if you wish to delete a
- row or column, and then to specify either the row number or
- column letter. Note that no row numbers or column letters will
- disappear. Instead, the information in the row or column to be
- deleted will be eliminated and all the remaining data will be moved
- in to close up the space.
- Files - This command allows you access to all Webspread's file
- management commands. A sub-menu will appear to let you access the
- following commands.
- (Files)
- Change directory - Selecting the Change directory command (by pressing
- the "C" key) will allow you to enter a standard AmigaDOS pathway
- to the directory where you want your files kept. Directories
- correspond to the drawers visible on the Workbench. If you do not
- specify a pathway, Webspread will look for a disk named Webspread:
- Hard drive owners may wish to set up an alias, using Webspread: as
- an alias for wherever they wish to keep their spreadsheets.
- (Files)
- Files - Lists the files contained in the active directory. All
- files will be listed, not just Webspread's. This command is the
- equivalent of the AmigaDOS DIR command. Note that all Webspread
- files have either the extension .Sheet or .ASCII added to them.
- These extensions are added automatically by the program. You never
- have to type them, and in fact Webspread would become very confused
- if you did. The extensions are added so that you can tell what type
- of file each is when you list them with this selection.
- (Files)
- Load - This is the command to use to load files you have already
- saved. After selecting this command you will be asked to
- type in the name of the file you want loaded. Please note
- that you must not type the .Sheet extension. The program
- will add that for you.
- (Files)
- Main-menu - This command will return you to the main (slash) command
- level. Use it when done with all your Files commands.
- (Files)
- Output file - An output file is a special type of file created by
- Webspread. It consists of a simple text file containing a portion
- of your spreadsheet (or the entire sheet if you wish). Such
- a text file can be loaded into most word processors or text
- editors, including AmigaDOS's Ed text editor. This allows
- you to include your spreadsheets in reports or other documents.
- When selected, you will be prompted to enter a file name for your
- file. This name will have the extension .ASCII added to it by
- the program (please don't type it yourself!) so that you can easily
- find it later when you want to use it with your word processor.
- You will also be asked to enter the cell co-ordinates of the LOWER
- RIGHT-HAND CORNER of the area of the sheet you want included in the
- Output file. The UPPER LEFT-HAND CORNER of the saved portion will
- be the UPPER LEFT-HAND CORNER of the display on your computer
- screen.
- (Files)
- Print - Print allows you to get a paper copy of your spreadsheet.
- If the sheet won't all fit on one page, Webspread will automatically
- break it up to fit on several. There is no option to print out the
- sheet sideways. You do not have to print out the entire 2000 cell
- sheet. When you select this command, you will be asked to enter the
- cell co-ordinates of the LOWER RIGHT-HAND CORNER of the area of the
- sheet you want included in the print out. The UPPER LEFT-HAND CORNER
- of the printed portion will be the upper left hand cell of the
- screen display. MAKE SURE the upper left-hand corner of what you
- want printed is also the upper left hand cell on the screen BEFORE
- selecting this command.
- (Files)
- Save - This command allows you to save your spreadsheet to disk.
- When selected, it will prompt you for a filename to save the
- data under. Webspread will automatically append the extension .Sheet
- to your filename. Please don't type the extension in yourself. The
- use of the .Sheet extension provides an easy way for you to spot your
- Webspread files when doing a directory listing from AmigaDOS or a
- Files listing from within Webspread.
- (Files)
- Earlier
- Revision - This Files menu selection is intended to help you with files
- created by ELPLan. Ordinarily, ELPLan files should load with no
- trouble. In some cases, you may get an error message "Input past file
- end". This is really an informational message and is caused by the
- fact that Webspread files are longer. The Earlier Rev. menu selection
- is here only for use if you have difficulties in getting a good load
- with an old file. It will ensure the problem file loads. Once saved
- again, it will have become a Webspread file and will cause no further
- trouble. (Note that in testing, it was never necessary to use this
- menu item with any old files. However, if you ever need it here it
- is.)
- Goto - Provides an alternative to using the cursor keys to moving
- around in Webspread. After selecting Goto, you will be asked to
- enter the cell name. Type it in with no spaces or commas; for
- example ab32. There is no need to use capital letters. The screen
- will be redrawn to show your new position. If you enter the cell
- name backwards, Webspread will tell you so and give you a chance to
- re-enter the name.
- Insert - Allows you to add a row or column of data in the middle of
- your spreadsheet at any time. You will be asked which you wish to
- add, and then which row or column you want the new area IN FRONT OF.
- As with Delete, no row or column designators are added. The existing
- information is moved out to new positions. WARNING: anything in the
- previously outermost row or column is shoved off the spreadsheet and
- lost. (Actually, a buffer of one column and one row is provided, but
- it is dangerous to rely on this.)
- Memory - Reports how much free memory is available for your spreadsheet.
- It is a good idea to keep an eye on this, especially with large sheets
- and and other programs running in the system. Webspread can use all the
- memory attached to your system, not just the amount allocated to
- AmigaBASIC as in ELPLan.
- New - Clears the existing data from the spreadsheet, without exiting
- the program. You will be presented with a requester window to
- either confirm or cancel the command.
- Quit - Ends the program run. You will be provided with a requester
- window to either confirm or cancel this command.
- Recalc - This command tells Webspread to evaluate all the formulas
- that you have entered. You may use forward references in Webspread
- and they will be properly evaluated. ("Forward references" means that
- any formula may contain the results of a formula at a later position
- in the spreadsheet, one that will be calculated later in the
- evaluation process. Webspread always evaluates all formulas twice so
- that these forward references will be taken into account.)
- Width - Width lets you set the amount of spaces wide that your columns
- will be. Note that ALL columns must be the same width.
- $ - Pressing the dollar sign will bring up Webspread's calculation
- mode requester. You will have two boxes to "click" in, one for each mode.
- In "Currency" mode, all calculations are rounded off to two decimal
- positions. In "all decimals" mode, the computer will use as many decimal
- positions as needed to show the results of a calculation. If you are
- working with money, use the "Currency" mode. When this command is
- selected, Webspread will inform you of which mode is currently in use.
- ERASE - There is no special command in Webspread to erase a cell's
- data. Instead, all you have to do is enter a space. Position
- yourself in the cell you wish to blank, hit the space bar and
- then the return key or a cursor key.
- The following error messages may crop up during your use of Webspread.
- It would be a good idea to become familiar with them.
- File not found - will appear in the error message box when you try to
- load a file that does not exist. Click in either continue box
- and try again. (Do you have the full pathname specified?)
- E! - will appear when you have a number too large to display
- with the current cell width. Resize your column width to correct.
- Formula Error! Please re-enter - This message will appear during sheet
- evaluation if Webspread meets up with a formula it can't understand.
- A requester box will display the error message, along with the
- co-ordinates of the cell containing the offending formula.
- Error n has occurred - This message will show up in the error message
- box for any other problems the program runs into. "n" will be some
- number which designates a specific error. Some errors are as follows:
- Some Possible Error Messages:
- 5 - Illegal Function Call -- an improperly set up formula can cause this
- message. Check your formulas over carefully. You may also see this
- message if you run low on memory.
- 61- Disk Full -- quick, grab your previously formatted safety disk and
- save your work to that. You do have one around, don't you?
- 64- Bad File Name -- better try again with a different name.
- 70- Permission Denied -- is your disk write protected?
- 74- Unknown Volume -- you probably just misspelled the name of your
- data disk.
- Your Amiga Basic manual lists all the other errors you might come up with.
- Even though this is a compiled version of the program, it retains the
- same error numbers as in regular Amiga Basic. Webspread recovers well from
- most errors. In fact, error checking and recovery is improved over
- ELPLan's. (Thank you to all the users who provided input on this matter.)
- If you do have a problem, the cursor position may be unexpectedly moved and
- a second "ghost" cursor may exist on your screen. You can eliminate the
- "ghost" cursor by running the real cursor over it. (The real cursor is the
- one that moves when you hit the cursor keys.)
- With the commands just discussed you can manipulate your spreadsheet once
- you get it made, move around it, save it, recall it and even print it. The
- only thing we haven't discussed yet is how to make it calculate answers for
- you. Take a moment to look again at Figure 1. It should be fairly easy to
- figure out how to move about the sheet with the cursor controls, entering
- text or numeric values to build the simple spreadsheet shown. The key to
- making it all work, though, is the formula in cell B7 which automatically
- figures the total for us. This section of the instructions will deal with
- the entering of the formulas needed to make the sheet work. We will first
- look at the standard sort of formulas, and then at two special cases.
- o Operators -
- Formulas in Webspread can use any of the mathematical operators. + - / *
- are used for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication
- respectively. All formulas need at least one operator. If you just want
- the value of one cell to be shown somewhere else as well, you can add 0 to
- it in its new location. For example, if you want the value of cell B6 to
- be shown in cell C7 also, you would use the following formula in cell C7:
- @B6+0
- o Evaluating -
- Formulas are evaluated strictly from left to right. Parentheses are not
- supported. For example, the formula @A1+B2/B3 would be evaluated as follows:
- first, the value in cell A1 would be added to the value in cell B2. Then
- the result of that calculation would be divided by the value in cell B3.
- The result of the calculation would be displayed in whatever cell contained
- the above formula.
- o Relative cell references -
- Take a quick glance at the sample formulas shown below in Figure 2. The cell
- references in most of them are pretty easy to figure out. A few examples,
- though, contain some strange looking things. Those bracketed items are
- relative cell references, and they can add a great deal of power and
- flexibility to your spreadsheets.
- Instead of refering to an absolute location on the page using its
- co-ordinates, you can use a relative cell reference. This can be helpful if
- you expect to add or delete row or columns at a later date. The relative
- references mean "use the value in whatever cell is found a specific distance
- away". The reference can be to a cell that is a either a number of
- columns or rows away from the one containing the formula. The relative cell
- reference must be between square brackets. You enter either an R or a C
- depending on whether you want the reference to be in the horizontal or
- vertical direction. You then use either a minus or plus sign to indicate
- whether the desired cell is to the left or up (-) or right or down (+).
- Examples will show this best.
- [R-1] means to use the value in the cell one row above.
- [C+1] means to use the value in the cell one column to the right.
- o Using numbers -
- You can freely mix numbers and cell references in your formulas. That is,
- you can multiply cell A1 by 1.25, for instance, using the following formula:
- @A1*1.25
- o Format -
- Formulas in Webspread are simple constructions. You string together the
- cell co-ordinates and numbers you want used and place the appropriate
- operators between any two as required. There are some simple rules to
- observe when doing this, however.
- - all formulas must begin with the commercial "at" symbol, @.
- - there must always be an operator between any two formula elements, and
- at least one operator in all formulas.
- - parenthetical operations are not supported.
- - relative cell references can be used at any point where an absolute
- cell reference could be used.
- - there must never be any spaces in the formulas.
- - the equal sign is always assumed, never written. The answer to the
- formula's evaluation will be placed in the cell containing the formula.
- - it is not necessary to use capital letters when entering formulas.
- Figure 2: Sample Webspread formulas:
- @A1+B1-C1 @C2*D2 @AB32/BB32 @AB1+[R-1]
- @[C-10]-[C-11] @B2*2.75 @G17+0
- Webspread provides two special types of formulas to add extra flexibility
- and power to your spreadsheets. These are the Summation Formula and the
- ELFFs Call formula. Both are described in detail below.
- o Summation Formula -
- These formulas let you sum a range of cells. A range of cells means a
- grouping of cells that are all touching. The values contained in the cells
- of the range will all be added together and the result placed in the cell
- that holds the formula. Cells containing text within the range will be
- ignored. The formula is written simply: first the command @SUM, then the
- first cell co-ordinate in the range, then a dot (period) and lastly the
- final cell co-ordinate in the range. No spaces are used. You do not have
- to type in capital letters.
- The range may be set up in several ways:
- - As a range of cells in the same row but in different columns. Example:
- @SUMA1.E1
- - As a range of cells in the same column but in different rows. Example:
- @SUMA1.A6
- - As a rectangular area. Example:
- @SUMA1.C3
- Finally, you may use relative cell references if you wish, just as
- discussed above in the section on standard formulas. An example:
- @SUM[R-10].[R-1]
- One last rule on summation formulas: the second cell cited must always be
- either more to the right or lower (ie. higher column or row designator) than
- the first.
- o ELFFs Call Formulas -
- The ELFFs Call formulas allow you to extract data from a file maintained by
- the ELFFs Datafile Manager program. You use this formula type to refer to a
- specific dataline within a specific ELFFs created file. The contents of
- that dataline will be extracted from the file and placed in the cell
- containing the formula. Let's look at a sample formula and explain how it
- works.
- @ELFDiskName:Directory/Filename\n
- Where:
- - @ELF is the first item in the formula.
- - Next comes the pathway to the file desired, in standard AmigaDOS
- format.
- . DiskName is the volume name of the diskette containing the file, if
- different than the diskette in use. It is always a good idea to use
- the actual volume name in these formulas to prevent "file not found"
- errors if you ever put the wrong disk in the drive.
- . Directory/ defines the directory on the diskette DiskName, where our
- file resides and
- . Filename is the actual file we want.
- . If there are spaces in your pathname, there is no need to enclose
- everything in quotation marks as when using DOS. Just type it in
- spaces and all. In fact, if you do use quotes you will confuse
- Webspread.
- - \n is special note to Webspread. "n" should be replaced with the
- dataline number containing the information desired. It is important
- to put the reversed slash in to set this number off from the pathname.
- Note: ELFFs appeared in the November 1986 edition of Jumpdisk. It is not
- in the public domain and may only be legally obtained by purchasing a
- past issue from Jumpdisk. The address is 1493 Mt. View Avenue, Chico, CA
- 95926. ELFFs is a BASIC program.
- As with all programs, there are some limitations to Webspread that you
- should be aware of. First, the loading and saving of sheets is slow. This
- is a result of it's being written in Basic. The compiler does not speed
- this up as much as I would like.
- Second, Webspread can only handle formulas feeding formulas to a depth
- of two. What does that mean in English? It means if the results of one
- formula's calculation feed another formula, accuracy will always be
- maintained. However, if the second formula's results feed a third,
- accuracy may be lost. Example: if a formula in cell T3 produces an answer
- which is used in a formula in cell G6, there will be no problem. However,
- if the answer obtained in G6 is used by another cell, say B4 or whatever,
- accuracy could be completely lost because there are three cells linked
- together. [Actually, as long as the cell designation is always higher or
- equal in both the column and row of the cell using another's results,
- accuracy will be maintained forever. In other words, if cell A3 feeds G4
- and G4 feeds H4, no problems will arise. If you go H4 to G4, then G4 to
- A3 in your formula linking, H4 and G4 will be fine. The value in A3 will
- be indeterminate. All this is because Webspread calculates cells starting
- with A1 and going across and down. It does this twice, hence it can pick
- up links two deep in the direction different from the calculation flow.]
- ========
- Its time now to put together everything we've just learned about
- Webspread and see how it works in practice. To accomplish that, let's go
- through the creation of the spreadsheet used in Figure 3 step by step.
- Along the way we'll add a few things to show how to use more features of
- Webspread.
- Figure 3: a Webspread spreadsheet for Wizbang Widgets.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- |'/'Commands:Copy,Delete,Files,Goto,Insert,Memory,New,Quit,Recalc,,Widt>
- |@SUMB4.B6 \
- | A| B| C| D| E| F| G| \
- | 1 July Widget Production /
- | 2 Cost Total <
- | 3 Type: Quantity: Price: Income: Each: cost: Profit: |
- | 4 small 10 50 500 30 300 200 >
- | 5 medium 20 60 1200 40 800 400 /
- | 6 large 30 70 2100 50 1500 600 \
- | 7 .............................................................\
- | 8 TOTALS: 60 3800 2600 1200 <
- We will take a few minutes and together create the spreadsheet shown,
- including the data and formulas, then play with it some when we are done.
- When we have accomplished all this, you will be well on your way to using
- the basic Webspread features in building your own spreadsheets. Before we
- start, you may wish to make a paper copy of these instructions, so you
- can more easily use the program and still read the instructions. (The
- combination of Webspread and this document may use too much memory to have
- both available on the screen at the same time in your computer.)
- Begin by loading and running Webspread. After a few moments to display
- the title screen and to set things up, the cursor appears. Study the
- layout of the screen first. Each row has a number to identify it, and each
- column is identified by a letter, as already mentioned. Note that the
- column letters are always at the far right of the column, and that a ("|")
- character starts the next column. Let's try the cursor keys first, to begin
- familiarizing ourselves with Webspread. Try the cursor down, right,up and
- left keys. Note how the cursor moves on the spreadsheet, filling the
- active cell with color. The spreadsheet we are going to build is for a
- financial record so we will want our sheet in currency mode. Press the
- slash ("/") key to obtain the command prompt. Now, press the $ (shift-4).
- Up will pop a requester box, telling you that you are in currency mode (the
- default setting). You can click on either the "Currency" box or the "All
- dec(imals)." box to select the mode of operation. Click on the "Currency"
- box. (I know, we were already in that mode but I wanted you to see how to
- set the mode in case you need to do so at some point.)
- Now, cursor over to cell C1. That is the third cell in on the top row.
- Type "July Widget" and hit <RETURN>. You will see that the "t" on the end
- of Widget does not show up on the spreadsheet. That is because our cells
- are only 10 characters wide. We could resize the cells to 11 characters,
- and then all of our text would show. It has not been forgotten by
- Webspread, but just cannot all be shown at once. (Look at the lower
- communication line to prove this to yourself.) We won't resize the width of
- our columns, however, as 10 spaces is fine for most of the sheet. Instead,
- cursor to cell D1 and enter "t Producti", then on to E1 and type in "on".
- You can either press the RETURN key to enter data into a cell and then
- move to another cell with a cursor key, or just press the appropriate
- cursor key and Webspread will know to enter your data before leaving the
- current cell. We now have a complete title on our spreadsheet. If you
- make a mistake and type anything into the wrong cell, just enter a space
- to blank the cell.
- Just for fun, let's try another way of moving about the screen. Press
- the slash key. When prompted, enter "g" for Goto. You will be asked for a
- set of cell co-ordinates. Enter "a3" and press <RETURN>. The screen will
- be redrawn with you at cell A3. Enter " Type:" (that's 5 spaces at the
- beginning). The reason for entering the spaces is that Webspread always
- pulls text to the left of a cell, and numbers to the right. After entering
- " Type:", hit the right cursor key to move to cell B3. Enter " Quantity:"
- (1 space). Move to C3 and enter " Price:" (4 spaces). Next, in D3 enter
- " Income:" (3 spaces). In E2 enter " Cost" (6 spaces) while in E3
- enter " Each:" (5 spaces). F2 gets " Total:" (5 spaces), F3 should
- have " cost:" (5 spaces) and in G3 enter " Profit:" (3 spaces). Move to
- column A and enter "small" in A4, "medium" in A5, "large" in A6 and down in
- A8 put "TOTALS:". That concludes the text we need for our example
- spreadsheet. You may wish to use the "Goto" command at this point to put
- the cursor in cell A1 and thus display all the sheet.
- We will put in the line of dots to set off our calculations from the
- total line next. When you create your own spreadsheets, you will probably
- find it easier to see what is going on if you use blank space and lines to
- set off the various areas, as we are doing here. (Be careful with dashes in
- your lines. If Webspread sees a dash as the first character in a cell, it
- will expect a negative number. Dashes may be used in text if preceded by
- another character that is clearly non-numeric or if in a cell that will not
- be refered to by any formula.) Move to cell B7. When there, enter a series
- of dots. You will need at least 10. (Remember that when entering
- non-numbers, Webspread will display as much of what you enter as will fit in
- the cell. The remainder will be remembered, but not shown. Therefore, if
- you accidentally enter 11 or 12 dots, it won't matter.) While in B7 select
- the "Copy" command. When prompted, press "A" for across. Then enter "5" for
- number of copies. You will see your dots appear in a row. Type "M" to
- return to the Main Menu. Now we are ready to use our blank sheet.
- Move to cell B4. In our example, the Wizbang Widget Company sold 10 of
- the small variety in July (they are a little company) so we enter a 10 here.
- Note that unlike text, a number is justified to the right. Also, whereas
- Webspread simply shows as much text as will fit in a cell, if a number is
- too long to fit in a cell you will see an error signal in the cell. The
- error signal is E!. The number is there, it just can't be displayed in the
- cell. We show you an error message, as to display just the portion of the
- number that would fit could be very misleading. All you have to do is
- select an appropriate value for the column width, and the error message
- will be replaced by your entry. Why not move to B5 and try it? Enter an
- 11 digit number. Next, use the Width command to resize you columns to 11
- or 12 and see what happens. Remember to restore the Width to 10 when done.
- Then, just enter 20 at this point and it will replace the current entry in
- the cell. Place a 30 in cell B6.
- We will continue adding our known, fixed numbers. This includes the
- price Wizbang sells its various widgets for, and how much it costs them to
- manufacture each type. Go ahead and enter all the numbers in column C and
- column E.
- Now we are ready for the real power in our spreadsheet, the formulas.
- First, we need to know how much income we received from each type of
- widget. The income produced is the asking price times the number we sold.
- Move to cell D4, where we want the income from the sale of the small
- widgets. We need to take the quantity sold, contained in cell B4, and
- multiply it by the price of each, contained in cell C4, and place the
- answer in cell D4. The answer will automatically appear in the cell
- containing the formula, which is why we moved to cell D4. To multiply the
- contents of the cells B4 and C4 we enter @B4*C4 which is pretty straight
- forward. The @ symbol tells Webspread to treat this entry as a formula.
- (NOTE - even though we show cell names all in capital letters to make them
- easier to read, you don't have to type them in that way. Webspread doesn't
- care whether you type a1 or A1. Either will work just as well.) You
- will see a zero appear in cell D4. That is because the formula has not
- been evaluated yet, so Webspread has not calculated a value for the cell.
- We will show you how to evaluate a spreadsheet with the "Recalc" command
- in a few minutes. Now, move to D5 and enter a similar formula to
- multiply the medium sized Widgets' price by quantity. The formula that
- goes here is @B5*C5. Try "large" on your own. If you figured you needed
- to enter @B6*C6 in cell D6 you were right.
- There is an easier way to do what we just did! Since this is a tutorial,
- we wanted you to try things every way possible, and the absolute method of
- refering to a cell that you just used is very important. We'll use the
- Total cost: column to show you an easier way to set up formulas, when there
- are several of them that must do just about the same thing. To begin, move
- to cell F4, please. Now, type in @[C-4]*[C-1] (remember, you don't need to
- capitalize the Cs unless you just wish to.) We have just entered a relative
- formula. It means the following: "take the value in the cell that is 4
- columns back from this one (which would be cell B4) and multiply it by the
- value in the cell that is 1 column back from this one (E4)". That, of
- course, would figure our total cost for us: quantity made times the cost to
- make each one = total cost. Now, if we typed the exact same formula in
- cell F5, the formula would figure the total cost of the medium sized Widgets
- for us, since the cells refered to would now be the ones in row 5. There is
- an easy way to do this, without retyping anything. We will use the "Copy"
- command, just as we did when we put in our row of dots. This time, choose
- "Down" by pressing "D" at the prompt, then "2" for number of copies. Your
- formula will be copied into cells F5 and F6.
- Move next to cell G4. We'll use the relative method and "Copy" command
- here too, to handle our profit calculations. Try to figure the formula out
- yourself first, then continue reading. OK, the formula for cell G4 is
- @[C-3]-[C-1] since Income less Total Cost gives us our profit. @D4-F4
- would work too, but we couldn't just copy that to cells G5 and G6 and use
- it there. If you came up with the correct formula (either one)
- congratulations! If not, don't worry about it for now. We're still new
- at this. Just enter the relative formula in G4 and copy it to cells G5
- and G6 as explained in the last paragraph. Those who put the absolute
- reference formula in cell G4 go ahead and set up cells G5 and G6 either
- way.
- You may be wondering at this point why anyone would wish to use the
- absolute method we showed you first, when the relative method is so much
- more flexible. Well, for one thing, the absolute method is simpler. If you
- have a unique formula that you will not be copying, and you don't anticipate
- adding rows or columns in between the ones you need, the absolute method is
- fine. Also, you can "pin down" one end of a range and let the other end
- vary, by using both methods together. Example: formula @SUMA1.[R-1] will
- sum all the cells from A1 to one before the cell containing the formula. If
- you add any rows at a later date, the absolute reference to cell A1 will
- ensure that your range goes all the way back no matter where your added row
- falls. We will discuss how to use the @SUM command in just a few minutes.
- Time to pause and reflect on what we've done. We have learned how to
- enter text. We've learned how to make it look good across many cells and
- also how to line it up the the right if we need to (the use of spaces).
- We've learned how to enter numbers, and also how to enter formulas with both
- absolute and relative cell references. We've learned how to duplicate cell
- contents to save typing (and minimize the chances for error from typos, too).
- We may not be CPAs yet, but we aren't doing too badly either.
- There is one more formula type we want to review in this tutorial. That
- is the summation command. It is very handy for figuring totals, and since
- that is what one row of our spreadsheet mainly does, we will use this
- function there. Move to cell B8 please. Once there, enter the following
- formula: @SUMB4.B6 (once again, capital letters are optional). Note that
- there are no spaces anywhere in the formula, and that there is only one dot
- between the cell references. What we have told Webspread to do is sum up
- the value of all the cells between B4 and B6. That will neatly give us our
- total quantity. Note that you can sum a range of cells in a given column
- or a row, or even a rectangular area. You must always specify the upper or
- leftmost cell of the range first. For a rectangular area, specify the
- upper left then the lower right corner. If you include any cells with text
- in them in your range, they will be ignored by the @SUM command.
- We can use our relative cell references with the @SUM command. This can
- come in handy if you later expect to insert a column or row in the center of
- your range. Move to cell D8 and we'll put a relative summation formula
- there to figure total income. Enter @SUM[R-4].[R-2] and we are all set. If
- you already figured out that this formula could be copied to G8 to give us
- our total profit, good for you. Go ahead and copy the formula to G8 at this
- time. (Total profit could also be calculated by subtracting the value in
- cell F8 from the value in cell D8. You might want to try entering a formula
- to do this.)
- At this point, save your spreadsheet for future reference. That way, if
- you do something to destroy it, you can always reload it. Press the slash
- key, then F for Files. Press the C key to tell Webspread you want to set
- the Current directory, that is, to define where to save the file. If you
- are unsure right now where you want your files stored, enter the name of
- the drive holding the disk containing Webspread (such as df0:). Now,
- press S for Save. Use the file name "Tutorial" or something else easy to
- remember.
- Our spreadsheet doesn't look too attractive with no totals figured
- anywhere. To make all the formulas do their work, we use the Recalc
- command. Press the slash key, then R when prompted to enter a letter.
- After a few moments all your formulas will be evaluated. You should see the
- numbers as shown in Figure 3. If you don't, take a look at your formulas
- and the above paragraphs. Make sure they all agree, then use Recalc again.
- Once this is done, try experimenting by entering other numbers into the
- spreadsheet and recalculating it. Use some negative numbers, too.
- When you have a display you especially like, place your cursor at cell
- A1. Then, select F from the Main Command Menu (slash commands). Then,
- select O (Output file) from the Files menu that appears. You will be asked
- for the lower right hand co-ordinate of a rectangular area of your
- spreadsheet. The cell G8 is the lower right hand co-ordinate of our
- tutorial sheet, so enter that. Give the file a name ("Tutorial" will do
- again). Webspread will save a "picture" of your spreadsheet in a file that
- can be loaded into Ed or a wordprocessor and used there (as long as the
- wordprocessor can use regular ASCII files. Check your manual if in doubt.)
- You can use this method to prepare fancier printouts, or to include
- spreadsheets in reports. Note that output files will have the extension
- .ASCII added to the name you select, so you can use the same name as for
- your regular Webspread files with no danger of one overwriting the other.
- If you have a printer attached to your system, Webspread will make a
- printed copy of your spreadsheet for you. Make certain that the upper left
- hand cell of the area you want printed is in the upper left hand corner
- of the screen and then procede as you did for the Output file.
- This is a good time to revisit the mode command. Using the slash key
- then the dollar sign key, call up the mode requester. Click in the "All
- dec." box to change modes. Now, go to cell D4 and change the entry there
- to 500.123. Use the recalc command and note what happened in cell D8, the
- total for the D column. Now, go back to the mode command and change to the
- currency mode again. Follow up with another recalc. What happened in cell
- D8?
- A reason for always using the currency mode when doing financial work
- stems from the built in limitations every computer has. Sooner or later,
- a number will come along that has more decimals than can be readily
- handled and some portion of the number will be dropped. This is almost
- always an insignificant amount, but it can mess up the display of
- financial data. With currency mode on, such errors are compensated for
- and everything is rounded off properly to the correct two place decimal.
- If instead you need to show as much of the decimals calculated as
- possible, use the "All decimals" mode.
- There is one more experiment for you to try. Select the Insert command
- and insert a row before row 5. (Press the slash key, then the I key when
- asked for a command letter. Follow the on screen prompts from there.)
- The purpose for this exercise is simply to show you how easy it is to make
- room in the middle of a spreadsheet if you forget things. Columns can be
- added just as easily. You WILL have to remember to adjust any formulas
- that may now be refering to the wrong cells.
- That concludes our tutorial. We have really only begun to explore what
- you can do with the program. Look over the command and formulas sections
- of this document, and experiment. Users of the ELFFs datafile manager
- will especially want to do this, in order to learn how to integrate their
- ELFFs' files with their spreadsheets. All the information you need is
- right there.
- ============
- Webspread is not shareware in the usual sense in that I am not asking
- you to send me money for this program if you find it of use. However, I
- do have some plans for improving Webspread (though no guarantees that I
- will ever get around to them. Working a full time job during the days and
- for Jumpdisk in the evenings doesn't leave as much time for programming
- as I'd like.) If the updates come to pass and you have sent a donation
- that will cover me mailing you information, I will let you know about any
- updates. Otherwise, keep an eye on the boards to see if an update shows
- up. With that in mind, perhaps you would like to know what I am
- considering doing.
- Most important is a rewrite in a faster language. I have already begun
- preparations for a rewrite in Modula II. This should help out in several
- areas, including the scrolling speeds and loading speeds. I may switch to
- the much under-rated FBasic system from Delphi Noetic Systems instead.
- It's too early to tell at this stage, but either should be an improvement.
- The key buffer should be cleared regularly so the program doesn't keep
- trying to scroll forever when you hold the cursor key down for awhile and
- then release it. It's a little thing, but it bothers me and so probably
- bothers you.
- Those are firmly in the specification for an upgrade. Being considered
- is a better method of handling formulas refered to by other formulas to
- remove the two deep limitation. Also being considered is optional mouse
- control. How about letting me know what you would like to see as well?
- ==========
- I hope you enjoy Webspread. I have found it adequate for all my
- needs. As before, I would be interested in hearing from anyone who finds
- an unusual use for Webspread or the Webspread/ELFFs combination. And
- remember to read Jumpdisk, the first disk magazine for the Amiga
- (published every month for over forty months as I write this!).
- Documentation Revision History
- ==============================
- 10 May, 1988 for Webspread.V1.0
- revised 11 July 1989 for Webspread.V1.1
- revised 15 July 1989 for distribution
- revised 09 August 1989 for WebspreadV1.2
- revised 28 December 1989 for WebspreadV1.3H-beta
- revised 7 January 1990 for WebspreadV1.6-Beta
- revised 30 January 1990 for WebspreadV1.6